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BC & the Big C
IN AUGUST I began having difficulty swallowing food. By mid-September, breakfast was a pack of Dixee biscuits, lunch, another pack and supper was porridge. Trying to eat almost everything else was like choking myself one bite at a time.
But I’m a firetrucking Gemini!
Read moreSimple as that
THROUGHOUT THE ridiculous over-extended Bodger Johnson succession farce in the UK, Liz Truss kept my interest, a real achievement for someone so thoroughly dull.
Stoosh Explainer
THE GUARDS at the pillar box don’t even look up at you, once you’re light-skinned and not chattering in Español. My gym gear is still new enough to pass for a resident’s but my wife’s is a little tattered, like her husband, but she has the beauty – and the legs – to turn their heads only in the right way.
Karen and Keith and Kamla and Who Cares?
FORMER FINANCE MINISTER Karen Tesheira-Nunez is challenging Prime Minister Keith Rowley for the leadership of the governing People’s National Movement and it’s downright impossible to think of a less momentous event; the only thing that might tear me away from the next several weeks of this non-gripping contest is if someone paints a wall and I get the chance to watch it dry.
The BC Honours
SO THERE it is: another Independence Day honours list and I’m not on it! You’d think that, after 34 years in the gig, they’d have run a little Humming Bird Medal (Plastic) for Y’Boy for his Contributions in the Sphere of Mocking Firetruckery! Look, I think I going New York and make it on Broadway, yes!
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