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Nought to 60
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO will be 60 years old next week and I can’t think of a present for her. What do you give someone who has everything she wants (no matter how trivial) and doesn’t want anything she needs (no matter how important)?
Heresy for Dummies
THE BEST thing about the stabbing of Salman Rushdie is it brought to mind two great jokes first cracked 30-plus years ago, when the fatwa on the British/Indian writer was imposed, for the crime of writing a book the ayatollahs had not read and would not understand if they had.
Small Change
NO PATRIOT should complain about spending $7.5m on the celebration of our 60th anniversary of Independence? By TT “petro-duller” standards, US$1m is “small morney” to spend on a national party.
Belle’s Last Walk
BELLE, our beautiful big tan pothound, made her last walk last Sunday, Emancipation Eve. She limped from her home of ten years to the spot on the hill where I had already dug the one sure thing that awaits us all. Whatever is left of Belle lies there now, on the edge of eternity and her favourite cane field.
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