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Ukraine for Dummies
CONSPIRACY THEORIES are like cocaine. Once you snort your first line and it goes to your head, you will suck up unhesitatingly every other line anyone puts on a mirror in front of you.
A Tale of Two TTs
If Abu Were Putu
THE WORST thing is not that Vodka Hitler has started World War III that may kill us all and will certainly starve perhaps millions, and only because he convinced himself that subjugating and occupying Europe’s second largest country was a day-work.
If it weren’t tragic, it would be hilarious: stoked by righteous indignation, the clowns rail against American aggression. Yes, Vlad the War Criminal invades Ukraine, murders babies, bombs hospitals, sets fire to Chernobyl, the largest store of nuclear waste in the world – and these jokers are outraged by NATO expansionism!
Read moreThe Final Dissolution
AND SO the Hitler comparisons prove to be unfair… to Hitler! More than 80 years later, the Ukraine must be the Sudetenland and this year’s warlord must once more be appeased with the blood of innocents. But, this time, it’s not even about an insane ideology of racial superiority; it’s just about one rich madman seeking to make himself and his warlords richer.
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