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Year of the Rat
ON SUNDAY, my neighbour threw pellets of rat poison around our common garbage bin space like he was pelting rice at his daughter’s wedding. He rained the poison on the flower-bed next to our fence like George Dubya Bush rained bombs on the children of Baghdad.
Childcare BC
TWO FRIDAYS ago, based on my own 30 years-plus experience, I advised people who were suddenly new to working from home how to do it properly, in the Trinidad context. (See:
...28 Snack Boxes Later
TRINIDADIANS don’t realise it yet but they’re actually on the live set of the worst zombie movie they’ve ever seen. Even with the entire population of the world cast as extras, Trinidadians still want their doubles and KFC right firetrucking now!
Homework BC
MY FRIEND and colleague, Mark Lyndersay, who, like me, has worked largely from home for 30 years, used his BitDepth column this week to give good practical advice to people forced by the Corona virus crisis to work from home for the first time. (
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