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TGIF columns are in order by date from the most recent.

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Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

THREE THURSDAYS AGO, Justice Devindra Rampersad, in the Jason Jones Case, declared the old buggery laws unconstitutional and, on the steps of the Hall of Justice, two kinds of people gathered: a large LGBT group, quivering with the sheer delight of finally being seen as deserving of equal treatment before the law; and a smaller, snarling group of Muslims & Pentecostals – strange bedfellows, indeed – who openly attacked the LGBT people either verbally or physically for the sin of being exactly what God made them.

And you don’t need a burning bush or a holy prophet to foresee that, in time – and probably a short time – the numbers in those two groups will reverse, but not their attitudes, and that little happy LGBT crowd, which represents the hope for freedom of all downtrodden humanity, will be greatly outnumbered by the religious folk, who claim to speak for God and are willing to kill, if not die, for what they insist he wants.

And then one of two things will happen.

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A Trifecta of What’s Best on the Box for Sunday 29 April 2018

Today’s Number One Film: Field of Dreams, 7.05pm Cinemax. Watch this if you liked Millions, Dances With Wolves or E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial. By far and away Kevin Costner’s best film, this wonderful little fantasy of a man bringing legendary baseball players to life in his Iowa cornfield is not at all corny and, more important, avoids entirely the sentimentality of its chief competitor, Dances With Wolves (even though the aficionado would expect its subject matter, the relationship of fathers and sons, to give rise to the most cloying of Costner’s excesses). Beautifully shot and deftly directed, this is a

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Holier than Thou, Faggot!

IN THE SAME week, a big one even by the limitless standards of Trinidadian excess, a 17-year-old child was charged with the murder of a newborn one, and one of T&T’s most globally successful citizens was outed as lesbian.

And, notwithstanding this glaring concurrence, religious believers will still refuse to put their fingers on the one thing that brings the two together: total firetrucking ignorance, masquerading as moral righteousness.

The same people who were horrified last week that Justice Devindra Rampersad’s in the Jason Jones Case declared the buggery law unconstitutional will be horrified this week that a 17-year-old could allegedly commit murder; and they will be convinced that “the family” can only be saved by re-criminalising homosexual sex and the nation by the reintroduction of the death penalty.

And both positions are equally ignorant; and just as ineffective.

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A Trifecta of What’s Best on the Box for Sunday 22 April 2018

Today’s Number One Film: Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut (aka The Final Cut), 9pm HBO Plus BEST FILM OF THE DAY. Watch this if you liked Arrival, Children of Men or 2001: A Space Odyssey. Director’s cuts are usually longer, adding in bits the auteur was forced to remove by studio executives worried about long runtimes. This cut was a literal one and improved the original theatrical release greatly by surgically slicing out its most cancerous five minutes – the contrived happy ending inane American focus groups and studio bosses wanted. Perhaps even more important, it removed entirely the Harrison Ford film noir gumshoe detective voice-over narration, transforming this version into an altogether fine, all but flawless, film.

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Saved by the Old Bat

Dubbya Bush is one of the world’s great losers, worst ratings ever as Commander-in-Chief, except for Babbon Obama, but it’s an ill wind that blows no gooder than Stormy. His dead mother’s taken the heat offa me! All the Fake News and even the Good Fox Loves Me News are showing nothing but Barbara Bush repeats! Stupid bitch, taking my headlines, but at least no one’s talking about Michael No-Cojones and Jim Criminally now!

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